You have some land to develop – will you be able to provide a suitable and safe access to it? We can quickly advise you on your options.
We will assess the most suitable layout for your development’s access, internal roads and any necessary off-site highway improvements.
We build computerised models of the designs and test their ability to accommodate the expected volume of traffic generated by the development.
A detailed Transport Assessment or Statement will be required to support a development's planning application.
These assessments are prepared in close association with the client and other members of the project team.
Travel Plans are becoming increasingly required as a condition of any significant development. These identify ways to encourage people to travel by using sustainable modes of transport and minimise the number of car journeys.
We use specialist software that replicates the swept path of delivery and emergency service vehicles. This ensures that your development’s layout is suitable to allow access for emergency service vehicles and that delivery vehicles can move comfortably to and from delivery areas.
For any development a fine balance has to be struck between providing enough parking to accommodate demand whilst avoiding the over supply of parking space that is wasteful of land.
We can advise you on the amount of parking space that will be needed and on appropriate strategies for managing and controlling parking within your development.
We have considerable experience of appearing as an Expert Witness at planning appeal hearings, public inquiries and at civil court cases. We are equally adept at representing developers that are appealing against a planning refusal or for a local authority in defending its position.
It is essential that pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users can access new development.
We audit existing facilities for these modes of travel and identify and design improvements to them that will encourage greater use of sustainable transport.
These measures might include new or improved bus services or infrastructure, cycleways, footways, crossing facilities and home zones.
We analyse the safety record of sections of highway, identify factors that cause accidents and design improvements to address these.
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